Dynamic HTML Using Handlebars JavaScript
The Dynamic HTML Using Handlebars JavaScript consists of creating the user interactive web pages by combining the HTML with the Handlebars templating engine. The Handlebars mainly ease the process of dynamically rendering the HTML content by allowing the insertion of variables, expressions, and logic directly in the markup....
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Student Management System using Express.js and EJS Templating Engine
In this article, we build a student management student which will have features like adding students to a record, removing students, and updating students. We will be using popular web tools NodeJS, Express JS, and MongoDB for the backend. For the front end, we will use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We’ll go through every step to create this application....
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Render dynamic content in Node using Template Engines
In Node.js, the rendering of dynamic content using Templates like EJS, Handlebars, and Pug consists of embedding dynamic data and logic directly into the HTML files. In this article, we will use the EJS Template Engine to render dynamic content in Node.js using Templates....
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How to use Template Engines in Express JS ?
Express.js is a popular web framework for Node.js that simplifies the process of building web applications. One of the key features of Express is its ability to integrate with template engines, allowing developers to dynamically generate HTML pages with data from their server. In this article, we’ll explore how to use template engines with Express, providing a step-by-step guide that’s easy for beginners to follow....
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Datetime formatting / customization in EJS Template Engine
EJS stands for Embedded JavaScript. It is a template engine designed to be used with server-side JavaScript environments like NodeJS and to generate dynamic content on a web page. Datetime formatting in EJS involves manipulating date and time objects to present them in a desired format within your web application. In this article, we will learn about How to do DateTimeits Formatting in EJS with different different Approaches with it’s syntax and example....
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How To Render Dynamic Lists Using EJS and Express ?
Rendering of dynamic lists in EJS and Express mainly allows us to dynamically generate the HTML content which is based on the data from the backend server. We can render dynamic lists using the ‘<% %>’ tags. We can use forEach loop to iterate through the data and dynamically generate HTML content for each item in the list. In this article, we will explore the detailed practical demonstration of Render Dynamic Lists Using EJS and Express....
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How to check for undefined property in EJS for Express JS ?
This article explores various techniques to handle undefined properties within EJS templates used in ExpressJS applications. It guides you on how to gracefully manage scenarios where data passed to the template might lack specific properties, preventing errors and ensuring a smooth user experience....
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How to create helper functions with EJS in Express ?
Helper functions in EJS are JavaScrict functions that you can define and use within your templates. These functions can perform various tasks, such as formatting dates, generating dynamic content, or handling repetitive logic. By creating helper functions, you can keep your template code clean and organized, making it easier to maintain and understand....
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Pagination using Node, Mongo, Express.js and EJS
In this article, we will dive into the process of implementing pagination in our web application using NodeJS, MongoDB, Express, and EJS for dynamic HTML rendering. Additionally, we’ll enhance the visual appeal of our pagination controls with CSS. Our focus will be on creating a user profile system where users can create a new profile and scrolling beyond a specified limit prompts navigation options like ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ to seamlessly explore more users....
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How to create Tables in Pug View Engine ?
Pug is a template engine for NodeJS and browsers, enabling dynamic content rendering. It compiles templates to HTML, supports JavaScript expressions for formatting, and facilitates the reuse of static pages with dynamic data. Its indentation-based syntax simplifies tag specification, enhancing readability....
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Conditionals in Pug View Engine
Pug supports JavaScript natively, hence using JavaScript expressions, we can format HTML code. This approach allows us to reuse static web pages which have dynamic data. Angular brackets are not used while specifying the tags....
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What is EJS Template Engine ?
EJS Template Engine or EJS is a popular template engine for web development. it is used in Nodejs. It allows you to generate dynamic content by embedding JavaScript to HTML content. EJS serves as a templating language, utilizing plan javascript to HTML. It allows the injection of data into the template on the client side to generate the final HTML output....
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